Earlier this month, TIME published a series of slow motion videos of 2016 presidential campaign events in Iowa, overlaid with audio of the candidates speaking against a haunting background noise. As one of the technicians who worked on the series, I’ve had several people ask me about that underlying audio. What is it? Is that […]
The recession may have officially ended in mid-2009, but millions of working Americans have seen their income remain frustratingly stagnant since the economy collapsed. New figures from the U.S. Census Bureau confirm that the median household income in the U.S. was $53,482 between 2010 and 2014, down from $56,568 between 2005 and 2009 when adjusted […]
I’ve seen the Phillies face Stephen Strasburg in Washington twice this season. The first time, on July 19, the fireballer retired the first 14 batters he faced. The second time, this past Saturday, he retired the first 12. This says as much about the poor Phillies as it does about Strasburg, but it got me wondering how long a pitcher has […]
The raucous second debate among the top 11 GOP hopefuls kept some candidates on message and drove others on tangents destined for cable news reels. Below is the word that most identifies each candidate’s entire discourse over the course of the night, using established methods for determining which words are most meaningful among a sea […]
School’s back in session and for U.S. business schools, many eager to advertise their worldliness, that means welcoming droves of students who don’t call America home. Stanford Graduate School of Business boasts a recent class that is 42 percent foreign. Harvard Business School’s Class of 2014 was 34 percent international. More than one out of three […]
TIME looked at the frequency of each word in last night’s debate and 11 debates from the 2012 presidential cycle to identify words that each candidate used much more frequently than other GOP candidates past and present.
In the five weeks since Trump has gone from citizen billionaire business mogul to a leading Republican presidential candidate, the press has done him a favor by recording his boasts, bluster and diatribes with interest.
Today TIME Labs is releasing both the code to extract congressional election data and the data files themselves.
Today we are thrilled to introduce you to a new site called TIME Labs, the home base for interactive data journalism at TIME. We have gathered the best of our existing stories and added some new ones, and we’ll be continually updating the site with new projects and posts.