It’s a common refrain among the single: There just aren’t enough available men or women in this city.
In many cases, it’s true. On the west side of Washington, D.C., for example, there are 1.4 college educated women between ages 18 and 30 for every man of the same description.
Using detailed Census data from 2010 and 2011, TIME calculated the ratio of unmarried men to unmarried women for every region of the country for a variety of age groups. A majority of Americans marry someone with a similar level of education, so the map can also be filtered by college degree status.
Zoom in to see the difference in urban areas.

Correction: The shades of blue on the map were originally reversed, so that lighter colors corresponded to higher ratios. Thanks to @poncie13 for the catch!
Some of the geographic divisions in the original version of this map were also too small to be statistically significant. The figures have been recalculated using “Super Public Use Micro Areas” and data from 2008-2011, before the lines were redrawn into smaller districts. (The overall impression of the map is largely the same.) Thanks to Amelia Showalter for catching this issue and assisting with the solution. This is why we open-source our methodology!